Family pictures 2008One year older and hopefully wiser too.
Emery Age 7
Lacey Age 5 (almost 6, Jan 21! Where does time go?)
Mason 5 (only 3 minutes younger then his sister)
Lilly 18 Mos. (Yeah Nursery! Not excited about picture taking)
Lacey is such a ham. I can get her to pose any time.
The day after Christmas we headed over to Vader, Wa. to visit with Jeff's fam. Lilly is one of three girls all born 4 months apart. It was such a riot to watch these girls interact. Lilly is "beeping" Danika's nose. Grandma to the rescue!
Three Muskateers! Left-right Makella, Lilly, & Danika
Giving Kisses
Saying cheese!
Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful holiday this year. We have been so blessed. We are so grateful to be in our house. The kids have adjusted so easily, perhaps they are just getting used to moving, or perhaps this house just feels like home. I'd like to think that it is the latter.
Kiddos got bean bags. They have survived the first two weeks after Christmas, I am surprised- they are tougher than I thought.
Mason got a RC car. He and Jeff have really enjoyed it.
Making Christmas breakfast. Lilly was a good helper. She took a bite of each piece of bread before we dunked it into the batter. She is soooo cute!
Later Christmas day we went down to Sunnyside to enjoy some time with Great Grandma and Grandpa. They fixed us a fabulous dinner, and exchanged gifts.
Home is where you can be silent and still be heard. Where you can ask and find out who you are. Where people laugh with you about your self. Where sorrow is divided and joys multiplied. Where we share in love and grow..